Whether it was “Winky Dink and You”, “Bugs Bunny and Road Runner”, School House Rock”, “Pee Wee’s Playhouse.” If you’re thinking “What are Saturday Morning TV Shows?’ You would be correct. That is how some of us spent Saturday mornings many years ago.
The Kids Club here at QUMC has been offering an alternative. It was started to bring children and their families to church. We began simply with our Easter Workshop back with Pastor Avis HoytO’Connor and have grown the program since that time. Our program is like the Veggie Tales, Sunday values with Saturday fun.
Kids Club will resume next month and meet 4 times this year. Starting with Halloween October 19th, Christmas December 14th, Easter April 4th and God's Creation in June. Open to the church and community. You can bring your kids, stay and fellowship, or drop off. The program runs from 10 a.m. -1 p.m. and includes lunch, — Free! For the older youth (or adults young at heart) the Pastor will be adding age appropriate games, so that if they come with younger kids, they will be engaged, not bored. Donations of time, supplies or money are always appreciated.
I’ve heard from one or two adults that they look forward to spending time with the kids, their families and having fun.
Suggestions are welcome. By request there will be another attempt to make slime for Halloween, so if you have a no fail recipe pass it along. For Halloween children are welcome to wear costumes and there will be treat bags. Christmas will have a cake to celebrate Jesus’ birthday and some give away gifts. Easter is the now famous Easter egg hunt, outdoors (weather permitting), hunting for 500 candy filled eggs. God's creation will involve outdoor games as we are able.
I spoke to the future... not with a crystal ball or with help from Siri or Alexa. A few members of QUMC’s The Kids Club. (I believe that children are the future, sing if you know this one)
Marron,13 “It’s a good experience for the kids to make new friends and do activities.”
Barnabas “It’s a great way for children to learn more about God.”
Faith,12 “I’ve been to Kids Club a lot, there’s a lot of activities.”
Darwin, 7 “I like making new friends and playing.”
Blessing, 6 “I like to be with my friends and get to know God better.”
Peace and Blessing and hope to see you at Kids Club, Nancey Garr-Colzie & The Education Committee
Nice job everyone!
We filled 65 boxes this year for this mission project. Amazing.
We beat our last year count of 36. See the pictures on our Facebook page.
It was a wonderful night of fellowship with some great ladies.
The Crusaders are with Miss Karen.
The Seekers with:
December 1st — Miss Brenda & Miss Nijola
December 8th — Miss Rachann & Miss Robin & Miss Faith
December 15th — Miss Janice & Miss Marron
December 22nd — No Children's Church
December 29th — Miss Barbara & Miss Princess
Each adult teacher will be getting a schedule and a Cori (background check) form in the mail. You must complete this form and bring it to the office with your ID, best on a Sunday or call for an appointment. Prior to your first time teaching, there will be extra forms in the office should you forget to bring yours along. Please see Robin.
The Education Committee would like to thank everyone for your service to the education of the children of our church, our future.
Kid’s Club begins at 10:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Come for some or come for all. Parents drop off or stay and fellowship. Lunch is included and is served at noon. All ages are welcome. Invite a friend. Pastor Judd will be offering games for our older kids, or kids at heart, this year. As always we will have games, crafts and mostly fun! This is a free event.
Kids' Club Dates
Saturday, December 14th— Christmas
Saturday, April 4th—Easter/egg hunt
Saturday, June 20th—God’s Creation
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