Quinsigamond United Methodist Church
Office Phone: 508-755-6237 Office Fax: 508-755-6237
Pastor: Rev. Barry Judd
Lay Leader: Leona Morweh
Secretary: Robin Mercurio
QUMC is centered in Christ, dedicated to people, willing to serve, and eager to grow. Together we seek to provide Christ-centered worship, Christian education to children, youth and adults, warm Christian fellowship and loving service to the community.
We are the First Swedish Methodist Church in Worcester, Massachusetts, founded in 1878. Although our heritage is Swedish, our congregation now represents a cross-section of modern day Worcester, including membership of Liberian heritage. We celebrate all believers and rejoice in the blessings God has brought us through our diversity.
Pastor Barry Judd grew up in the rural western Maine town of Livermore as a member of Eaton Memorial United Methodist Church. He came to know Jesus in a personal way at the age of eight years old.
In high school, God put a call upon him to devote his life to pastoral ministry. Earning his bachelor degree from New England Bible College, South Portland, Maine in 1991, he served 27 years as a full-time pastor in two non-denominational congregations in Kezar Falls and Biddeford, Maine. The Lord has now called Barry to return to his roots and use his experiences to journey together and shepherd within the spiritual family of the United Methodist Church. By God's grace, Barry's ministry has been marked by growth, vitality and leadership development with the churches he has been blessed to serve. This is a result of urging the congregations to grow in spiritual disciplines of interpretation and application of Scripture.
The United Methodist Church celebrates two sacraments: Holy Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Our official statement on communion, This Holy Mystery, helps us understand what we mean by a sacrament.
“Sacraments are sign-acts, which include words, actions, and physical elements. They both express and convey the gracious love of God. They make God’s love both visible and effective. We might even say that sacraments are God’s ‘show and tell,’ communicating with us in a way that we, in all our brokenness and limitations, can receive and experience God’s grace.”
By Water and the Spirit explains, “Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are sacraments that were instituted or commanded by Christ in the Gospels.”
The elements of water, bread, and wine are a very important part these rites. “Because God has created and is creating all that is,” By Water and the Spirit teaches, “physical objects of creation can become the bearers of divine presence, power, and meaning, and thus become sacramental means of God’s grace. Sacraments are effective means of God’s presence mediated through the created world.”
Through the Great Thanksgiving of the communion liturgy and the Thanksgiving Over the Water of the baptismal liturgy, we pray for the Holy Spirit to be poured out upon these objects and those that receive them.
“The ritual action of a sacrament does not merely point to God’s presence in the world, but also participates in it and becomes a vehicle for conveying that reality,” By Water and the Spirit states. “God’s presence in the sacraments is real, but it must be accepted by human faith if it is to transform human lives. The sacraments do not convey grace either magically or irrevocably, but they are powerful channels through which God has chosen to make grace available to us."
Sunday Worship at 11:00 AM; Children's Church for ages 4 to 7 during the worship service; Nursery care during worship;
Stand Up for Kids, Dismas House, Quinsigamond Village Food Pantry, Thanksgiving baskets for those in need, Operation Christmas Child, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Christmas Caroling to nursing homes.
Coordination with the churches of the area during Lent to provide soup and worship on Wednesday evenings.
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